Yes, there is a difference. Honest. It'll be my job right now to make sure you understand the difference. It's a big difference as the terms "nice" and "good" are entirely different when it comes to the dating game.
Right, I'll be honest, I've been both. I'll explain why I've been both at the end but, for now, let's get this show on the road!
Nice Guys
Ugh, I hate these fuckers. Wha- I me- no, be quiet for a second, let me explain. Nice guys are rendered as the Beta's of society, which is also wrong. I'd go as far as rendering nice guys as Omegas. The lowest of the low. These guys really do make me sick. Let me tell you what a nice guy is.
1. Nice guys only have one purpose. To fuck you. I would NEVER change everything that I am and treat a girl with more respect than she deserves, that'd be really stupid. Yet, nice guys believe that if they treat a girl really, really nicely, they'll open the windows to her vagina. They never get that far. They also get extremely butthurt about it, to the point where you'll find posts like these all over social networking sites: "I'LL NEVER GET A GIRLFRIEND :(" Yeah, you wont because you're not you and you only want to get laid. Girls, learn to qualify these kinda guys, save yourself time and the effort of dealing with them.
2. Nice guys will piss and moan at girls for always going after dicks a.k.a guidos, chavs etc. You know what? I UNDERSTAND why they go for these people. Throughout what could be seen as a massive imperfection, these guidos and chavs, they remain to be 100% of what they are. They make sure they are themselves and they treat girls like they'd treat anyone. They don't need to change. They get these girls because they remain themselves and if these guys find themselves being attracted to a certain girl, they'll tell them. Protip: first impressions with girls are fuckin' ESSENTIAL. Don't send every girl down the friendzone without realising as we, as guys, change our preferences when we're with girls. A girl that started off as a friend can be someone a guy can fall in love with.
3. Nice guys have ZERO confidence. So being a nice guy is something most guys usually go through so they can progress into maturity. This is usually down to a bad upbringing when it comes to relationships. My mum didn't want to teach me as I was a mummies boy, still am actually, and my dad was all about shagging as many birds as you can. I just wanted someone to love. But due to my raging hormones, love to me was getting my end off. But I can say that boys are like fine wines. They taste better when time progresses. So it's not that nice guys ARE nice guys because they WANT to be, it's because they need to mature and, with time, they will.
Still don't fucking like them.
Good guys are good guys for a reason. They do "good" things in every situation, simply because they want to do these good things. Same applies with girls. A good guy who finds a girl attractive will respect her. Honestly and truthfully. They'll want her heart, not her lady bits. They'll tell a girl how they feel without compromising who they are. They'll make it known to a girl, at the start, that they are interested and that they would like to enter a relationship with them. No messing about.
1. Good guys are who they are. They make you smile just being around them. They're usually vibrant, confident in who they are and will always want to do good things. Some can be central to wanting to have sex all the time, some could actually just want friends and some would want relationships, the difference between a nice guy and a good guy is that a good guy wont FUCK YOU around and will let the girl know. There's no maliciousness and if the girl isn't interested, they'll move on like that and wish her all the best.
2. Good guys usually are the nice alpha guys you see around. They can also be nice betas. Beta's wont have a lot of confidence when it comes to girls but they'll never change themselves. They'll stay the same. They're not afraid to say no either. Good guys earn their respect by being themselves. You can usually distance a good guy and a nice guy just by looking at your own opinion of them. If you like to be in their company than you've got a good guy, chaps.
3. Now there's a reason girls prefer older men. They're more mature. Why? They're gone from nice guys to good guys. That's the best way to describe the differences between them. Good guys understand the bigger picture, they ARE the guys that will look after you. It's a bit of a shame that since they've been through so much to get to the status of being a good guy, they remain a bit lax when it comes to searching for love. They stop caring almost. They'd rather let it find them rather than searching for it and even when it does find them, they still probably wont be that bothered in letting it progress. Good guys will eventually wake up but their lack of need for a girl shows. That's why most girls go for chavs and guidos, they still look for that connection.
I hope you're all a little bit enlightened. But for a long story short:
Nice guys:
Manipulative (well, they try)
Only want you for sex
Lack of confidence
Good guys:
Are happy by themselves
Are respectful
Best kind of men to be with
Will never compromise who they are for a girl.
Ciao, guys.
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