Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Comment Rage #1

I will use the power of critism and negative comments to rake in VIEWS! USING EVERYTHING TO YOUR ADVANTAGE, THAT'S HOW A PRO WORKS



"This isn't even the first time I've tried to comment, but the other times havn't worked. You should learn to use spell check, not that it overly bothers me, but it bothers you enough to edit your posts for a simple error, so I thought i'd better let you know you've missed some. I dont want to see crappy youtube videos that ive seen a million times, or are the type of videos I TRY to avoid. Please do more text posts. Also, i'm curious to know who you thought would comment this, wanting a bike horn? for anything? especially trading it for something else? on Trading!"


"take off the comment approval too, that shit gay, you honestly care that much about what people think that you have to pre approve comments? onTrading!" - Anonymous

If you tried to comment before, I'd have found it in the comment approval box. I didn't. But I found this! HOW LUCKY ARE YOU?!


Spell check? I type really fast. Like, stupidly fast. If I see one "simple error", I'll correct it, all the others? Point them out for me. Rather than be a negative nancy, help an aspiring blogger by pointing out errors for me.

Reason I don't approve comments is because I'm sceptical. I'll admit it. I don't like criticism yet I favour it. So alright. I'll turn comment approval off.

I was hoping that people with higher intelligence would look past errors and read what I have to say. Spelling errors aren't a big deal. It's the internet, not an essay.

You don't want to see crappy Youtube videos? Have you ever considered that other people *haven't seen the Youtube videos I post? I've considered it. Deal with it.

Text posts? See above \o/

About the trading post? Somebody managed to do a number of trades by starting with a giant, red paperclip and eventually managed, through a series of trades, to get a house. A fucking house. All through his blog. I know it's early days yet with averaging 100-250 views daily, but someone WILL spot this and want to do a trade. Bike horns are fucking awesome.

Related shit:


  1. I have seen the paper clip trade thing its pretty cool, so good luck. Comment approval removal was sweet though.

  2. I wanna hear more about your business, what happened with that? There isn't an option for that on the poll.

  3. First anon, if you click the fourth post about becoming my stalker, I'll start putting pages about my business ventures \o/

    Second anon, you're correct, better reason to make an article about it!
