Friday, 6 January 2012

Paying to play online?

I have an Xbox 360. I'm sure I've mentioned, or you've guessed, from the top 10 list I did a few weeks ago because it had "XBOX 360" splattered in the title like some retarded squirrel that contracted rabies and decided to rape a keyboard.

English: XBox 360 wired controller. Français :...

Even so, I just went and bought 6 months of live for £15. This article was supposed to be about paying to play but I guess I've gone and contradicted myself, AH WELL, you'll get over it, I'll just carry on.

Now, I know the PS3 is free (lol thfree) to play online. I know this, it hasn't escaped my massive head but for some reason, I can't bloody stop playing on the 360. I can't stop, I'm not sure why either. Giving into this consumer bullshit when there's a free alternative? It's the only evil I'll ever give a shit about

Well, that and post-breakup sex. That shit's delicious.

Anyway, looking onto PC gaming, Steam is a vast library of games, usually discounted due to lack of overheads. I've never really been into Steam. I can say that I've never really had a decent PC gaming rig but I'd love to have the extra flexability of a PC.

So moving on to paying to play, MMO's have a free option. Some good communities are made through free MMO's, my personal favourite was Vindictus, was my own little hack n' slash paradise and I loved it, it was good, I enjoyed it.

Aeria Games - Shaiya, Fantasy MMO
This is free.
Looks like a bag of arse though.

But thinking about a paid option just seems stupid. Although, the Star Wars: Old Republic MMO is something I'd pay money to play, that's about it.

I can't really think of what could be next for MMO's. What could be next? I guess we'll see in the near future. Probably something to do with Cloud Gaming because that seems to be the next big thing. (Insert Penis Related Joke) HAHAHAHAHAHALMAOROFL

Ciao, squeers.

Have some related posts about fucking everything:

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