Right, I'll be honest. Us, as a generation, don't get on with our parents, do we? Yet, we get on with our grandparents, which is a bit strange, aint it?
Let me explain this for you.
If you're in your late teens to your mid-20's, you're generation Z. If you were just after the Soviet Union was destroyed, early 40's to late 50's, you're generation Y.
Now, I'm going to go on about the differences between our generation and our parents generation.
I'll start with our generation. We're the internet generation. We were born with the internet. We had the vast, informative libraries at our fingertips in our teenage years. For most of us, we've gotten REALLY good at finding information. We've found things that contradict our parents beliefs and philosophies so as we've grown up, they've gotten less smarter.
So they were always shallow idiots, let's be fair. They were adults when the internet was made and most of them still don't know how to bloody use it. They're based on traditions, most of those traditions being down right lies and brainwashing.
Evil bastards.
You've probably heard your parents say "I grew up with nothing" well that's true. They did. But what do we have to grow up with? National debt. A recession. Unreachable house prices and very unfair debt. Jobs that aren't easily accessible and the pressure of our parents. I'm sure you remember your parents say, "Get into college and you'll find a good job!" and now that we've got into college, completed college, gotten degrees, we're NOW being told "You're an entitled arsehole if you wont work at McDonalds"
It's a love/hate relationship.
So let me get this straight. We're being pressured INTO jobs we don't like by the same PEOPLE who told us to avoid those jobs?
Well, fuck you, Generation Y, you're bloody useless. You've made it harder for people with actual brains to make a living. We've also been labelled the "Boomerang Generation". You know why?
Pretty much how it works. |
Because when we move out, times get so damn hard that we move right back into our parents house.
It frustrates me because it's only our generation that's screwed. It's just us. The next generation will be fine because it'll take the geniuses of our generation to fix the problems before they escalate.
It's clear nothing's changing. Nothing's getting cheaper. It's all about generation Y. Shouldn't it be tailored towards us? We need to throw someone from our generation into politics to fix everything.
Rant over. God damn.
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