Sunday, 18 March 2012

Nice Guys vs Good Guys


Yes, there is a difference. Honest. It'll be my job right now to make sure you understand the difference. It's a big difference as the terms "nice" and "good" are entirely different when it comes to the dating game.

Right, I'll be honest, I've been both. I'll explain why I've been both at the end but, for now, let's get this show on the road!

Nice Guys
Ugh, I hate these fuckers. Wha- I me- no, be quiet for a second, let me explain. Nice guys are rendered as the Beta's of society, which is also wrong. I'd go as far as rendering nice guys as Omegas. The lowest of the low. These guys really do make me sick. Let me tell you what a nice guy is.

1. Nice guys only have one purpose. To fuck you. I would NEVER change everything that I am and treat a girl with more respect than she deserves, that'd be really stupid. Yet, nice guys believe that if they treat a girl really, really nicely, they'll open the windows to her vagina. They never get that far. They also get extremely butthurt about it, to the point where you'll find posts like these all over social networking sites: "I'LL NEVER GET A GIRLFRIEND :(" Yeah, you wont because you're not you and you only want to get laid. Girls, learn to qualify these kinda guys, save yourself time and the effort of dealing with them.

2. Nice guys will piss and moan at girls for always going after dicks a.k.a guidos, chavs etc. You know what? I UNDERSTAND why they go for these people. Throughout what could be seen as a massive imperfection, these guidos and chavs, they remain to be 100% of what they are. They make sure they are themselves and they treat girls like they'd treat anyone. They don't need to change. They get these girls because they remain themselves and if these guys find themselves being attracted to a certain girl, they'll tell them. Protip: first impressions with girls are fuckin' ESSENTIAL. Don't send every girl down the friendzone without realising as we, as guys, change our preferences when we're with girls. A girl that started off as a friend can be someone a guy can fall in love with.

3. Nice guys have ZERO confidence. So being a nice guy is something most guys usually go through so they can progress into maturity. This is usually down to a bad upbringing when it comes to relationships. My mum didn't want to teach me as I was a mummies boy, still am actually, and my dad was all about shagging as many birds as you can. I just wanted someone to love. But due to my raging hormones, love to me was getting my end off. But I can say that boys are like fine wines. They taste better when time progresses. So it's not that nice guys ARE nice guys because they WANT to be, it's because they need to mature and, with time, they will.

Still don't fucking like them.

Good guys are good guys for a reason. They do "good" things in every situation, simply because they want to do these good things. Same applies with girls. A good guy who finds a girl attractive will respect her. Honestly and truthfully. They'll want her heart, not her lady bits. They'll tell a girl how they feel without compromising who they are. They'll make it known to a girl, at the start, that they are interested and that they would like to enter a relationship with them. No messing about.

1. Good guys are who they are. They make you smile just being around them. They're usually vibrant, confident in who they are and will always want to do good things. Some can be central to wanting to have sex all the time, some could actually just want friends and some would want relationships, the difference between a nice guy and a good guy is that a good guy wont FUCK YOU around and will let the girl know. There's no maliciousness and if the girl isn't interested, they'll move on like that and wish her all the best.

2. Good guys usually are the nice alpha guys you see around. They can also be nice betas. Beta's wont have a lot of confidence when it comes to girls but they'll never change themselves. They'll stay the same. They're not afraid to say no either. Good guys earn their respect by being themselves. You can usually distance a good guy and a nice guy just by looking at your own opinion of them. If you like to be in their company than you've got a good guy, chaps.

3. Now there's a reason girls prefer older men. They're more mature. Why?  They're gone from nice guys to good guys. That's the best way to describe the differences between them. Good guys understand the bigger picture, they ARE the guys that will look after you. It's a bit of a shame that since they've been through so much to get to the status of being a good guy, they remain a bit lax when it comes to searching for love. They stop caring almost. They'd rather let it find them rather than searching for it and even when it does find them, they still probably wont be that bothered in letting it progress. Good guys will eventually wake up but their lack of need for a girl shows. That's why most girls go for chavs and guidos, they still look for that connection.

I hope you're all a little bit enlightened. But for a long story short:

Nice guys:
Manipulative (well, they try)
Only want you for sex
Lack of confidence

Good guys:
Are happy by themselves
Are respectful
Best kind of men to be with
Will never compromise who they are for a girl.

Ciao, guys.

Thursday, 19 January 2012


I’m starting to become a little bit paranoid when it comes to governments. I feel that the foundations that have been advanced on from olden times still stick with us. Now I know I go on about how this diet I’m on, Keto, but it made me think a bit more into how and why it works so effectively and I can’t to this conclusion:

Read more at:

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Comment Rage #1

I will use the power of critism and negative comments to rake in VIEWS! USING EVERYTHING TO YOUR ADVANTAGE, THAT'S HOW A PRO WORKS



"This isn't even the first time I've tried to comment, but the other times havn't worked. You should learn to use spell check, not that it overly bothers me, but it bothers you enough to edit your posts for a simple error, so I thought i'd better let you know you've missed some. I dont want to see crappy youtube videos that ive seen a million times, or are the type of videos I TRY to avoid. Please do more text posts. Also, i'm curious to know who you thought would comment this, wanting a bike horn? for anything? especially trading it for something else? on Trading!"


"take off the comment approval too, that shit gay, you honestly care that much about what people think that you have to pre approve comments? onTrading!" - Anonymous

If you tried to comment before, I'd have found it in the comment approval box. I didn't. But I found this! HOW LUCKY ARE YOU?!


Spell check? I type really fast. Like, stupidly fast. If I see one "simple error", I'll correct it, all the others? Point them out for me. Rather than be a negative nancy, help an aspiring blogger by pointing out errors for me.

Reason I don't approve comments is because I'm sceptical. I'll admit it. I don't like criticism yet I favour it. So alright. I'll turn comment approval off.

I was hoping that people with higher intelligence would look past errors and read what I have to say. Spelling errors aren't a big deal. It's the internet, not an essay.

You don't want to see crappy Youtube videos? Have you ever considered that other people *haven't seen the Youtube videos I post? I've considered it. Deal with it.

Text posts? See above \o/

About the trading post? Somebody managed to do a number of trades by starting with a giant, red paperclip and eventually managed, through a series of trades, to get a house. A fucking house. All through his blog. I know it's early days yet with averaging 100-250 views daily, but someone WILL spot this and want to do a trade. Bike horns are fucking awesome.

Related shit:

Monday, 9 January 2012

Making money off the internet?! FUCK MY JOB

Now, now, let's not sexually molest your job, this isn't breaking the bank, it's a side income. Or for the people that sit at home all day looking for jobs and rolling in their own filth.


The beauty of the internet is the many opportunities it presents to the Internet generation. You don't need a lot to start a little business venture online. Imgur was started by 1 person and receives well over 100 million views a month. I have a little side project in the works as well, it's just good to get something on the internet.

Lucky bastard.

Until the mass amounts of success come for you, we can take a look at becoming a freelancer. Yes, I know, it sounds daunting and I agree, it is but not on these sites:

UK Site:
USA Site:

All you have to do is set up a gig and wait for the orders to come. The more unique your gig is, the more attention you'll get so get creative. It doesn't even have to be anything to do with bein productive, could be a video of you dancing in a monkey suit, as long as it's captivating and that it draws people in, you'll be raking it all in.

Have some related articles about .. er.. I don't fucking know.

Hate Ebay? Hate the hidden fee's? The crappy customer service? Read this post.

KLEINMACHNOW - DECEMBER 17:  A sign for Intern...
Whilst browsing the wild wonders of the huge and amazing interwebs, I came across a new site, currently going into beta, which plans to be a free, no charge, no hidden fees, no cost buyer and seller website.

Now, I love something that kicks the living shit out of big corporate arseholes and I personally despised being a seller on eBay so I give you this:

This website is made by a person like me. Who's generally sick about how eBay handles its customers. I'm supporting this guy 100%. Make sure to sign up. Just submit your email. When the site opens for beta, you can test how it works and, hopefully, continue to use this site. I mean, it's free. It'll remain free. You get what you pay for and you get the money you sell. This is a collection of people doing the right thing, making the internet about users again. It didn't take long for the corporates to annihilate any sense of commerce on the internet so it's about time we took it back for ourselves.

So go on. Sign up. I know that I'm listing about 50 items when it goes up. No, I haven't counted, it's a guess, GET OVER IT

Have some related things about eBay:

Friday, 6 January 2012

Paying to play online?

I have an Xbox 360. I'm sure I've mentioned, or you've guessed, from the top 10 list I did a few weeks ago because it had "XBOX 360" splattered in the title like some retarded squirrel that contracted rabies and decided to rape a keyboard.

English: XBox 360 wired controller. Français :...

Even so, I just went and bought 6 months of live for £15. This article was supposed to be about paying to play but I guess I've gone and contradicted myself, AH WELL, you'll get over it, I'll just carry on.

Now, I know the PS3 is free (lol thfree) to play online. I know this, it hasn't escaped my massive head but for some reason, I can't bloody stop playing on the 360. I can't stop, I'm not sure why either. Giving into this consumer bullshit when there's a free alternative? It's the only evil I'll ever give a shit about

Well, that and post-breakup sex. That shit's delicious.

Anyway, looking onto PC gaming, Steam is a vast library of games, usually discounted due to lack of overheads. I've never really been into Steam. I can say that I've never really had a decent PC gaming rig but I'd love to have the extra flexability of a PC.

So moving on to paying to play, MMO's have a free option. Some good communities are made through free MMO's, my personal favourite was Vindictus, was my own little hack n' slash paradise and I loved it, it was good, I enjoyed it.

Aeria Games - Shaiya, Fantasy MMO
This is free.
Looks like a bag of arse though.

But thinking about a paid option just seems stupid. Although, the Star Wars: Old Republic MMO is something I'd pay money to play, that's about it.

I can't really think of what could be next for MMO's. What could be next? I guess we'll see in the near future. Probably something to do with Cloud Gaming because that seems to be the next big thing. (Insert Penis Related Joke) HAHAHAHAHAHALMAOROFL

Ciao, squeers.

Have some related posts about fucking everything:

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Rant: Generation Y and Z

Right, I'll be honest. Us, as a generation, don't get on with our parents, do we? Yet, we get on with our grandparents, which is a bit strange, aint it?

Let me explain this for you. 

If you're in your late teens to your mid-20's, you're generation Z. If you were just after the Soviet Union was destroyed, early 40's to late 50's, you're generation Y. 

Now, I'm going to go on about the differences between our generation and our parents generation. 

I'll start with our generation. We're the internet generation. We were born with the internet. We had the vast, informative libraries at our fingertips in our teenage years. For most of us, we've gotten REALLY good at finding information. We've found things that contradict our parents beliefs and philosophies so as we've grown up, they've gotten less smarter.

So they were always shallow idiots, let's be fair. They were adults when the internet was made and most of them still don't know how to bloody use it. They're based on traditions, most of those traditions being down right lies and brainwashing.

Parents (film)

Evil bastards.

You've probably heard your parents say "I grew up with nothing" well that's true. They did. But what do we have to grow up with? National debt. A recession. Unreachable house prices and very unfair debt. Jobs that aren't easily accessible and the pressure of our parents. I'm sure you remember your parents say, "Get into college and you'll find a good job!" and now that we've got into college, completed college, gotten degrees, we're NOW being told "You're an entitled arsehole if you wont work at McDonalds"

English: McDonalds' sign in Harlem.

It's a love/hate relationship.

So let me get this straight. We're being pressured INTO jobs we don't like by the same PEOPLE who told us to avoid those jobs?

Well, fuck you, Generation Y, you're bloody useless. You've made it harder for people with actual brains to make a living. We've also been labelled the "Boomerang Generation". You know why?

line art drawing
Pretty much how it works.

Because when we move out, times get so damn hard that we move right back into our parents house. 

It frustrates me because it's only our generation that's screwed. It's just us. The next generation will be fine because it'll take the geniuses of our generation to fix the problems before they escalate. 

It's clear nothing's changing. Nothing's getting cheaper. It's all about generation Y. Shouldn't it be tailored towards us? We need to throw someone from our generation into politics to fix everything.

Rant over. God damn. 

Related damn posts:

1000 Milestone!

The last post was a bluff to get about 8 views.



Sorry about that, I get easily over-zealous. But yeah, I've reached a 1000 overall views on my blog. The views gained from today are just insane for a complete noob like me. Here's to 2000, chaps!

P.s. the labels make me laugh. They really do.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


Sorry but how am I not supposed to post this video when all it does to me is make my soul cry. I'm not even sure what this feeling is just ... JUST WATCH IT


Skyrim? Skyrim.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
It's a bit delicious
but then it's not.
Everybody loves Skyrim. It's a known fact. Everyone's addicted to it. Of course they are.

Then why am I not?

I don't get what the fuss is. Sure, there's a huge world to explore and a lot of things to craft, kill and possibly teabag into Oblivion (pardon the pun) but I'm just not addicted. I just don't understand why this latches onto people, it's not THAT spectacular. It's a step in the right direction for gaming technology but.. it's not that good. I have to be honest. Maybe I'm doing it wrong or something but I haven't been that latched.

Might be because I've been preoccupied with many things. Skyrim does seem interesting though, when I go to choose a game, I'll probably pick that first. So I do see how it happens.

Bethesda developed the Creation Engine for Sky...
I'm getting sick of these fuckers now.

If you look past all the fancy, amazing aesthetic qualities about Skyrim, it's pretty generic. I'm not going to lie, once you've been through one dungeon, you've pretty much experienced the game.
 They're ALL the same apart from the odd 1 or 2. Plus, the idea of running from point A to point B was a lot better in Oblivion as you got attacked more often. In Skyrim, when I want to fight someone, it hardly happens. I'm not sure if I'm extremely unlucky or not but Skyrim isn't giving me much.

Well, when it comes to dragons, they're ALL I fight. No matter where I go, there's a dragon, I fought about 3 dragons just from exiting the Mage College up north. Was kinda epic watching all the other mages help take it down with me but besides that, it's a bit of a pesty thing when I want to get somewhere I haven't discovered yet and dragons keep eating out my arse before I even reach the damn place.

But these are only my opinions, I can't say they speak for everyone but I also know that a lot of people, like me, didn't enjoy it as much as others have done.

What are your thoughts, squeers? Give me some comments.

Ciao for now.

Have some related articles:

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Game Releases of 2012

I'm never drinking again.

Right, from any year, we're always going to get a sexy amount of games. There's nothing inherently special about this year.

That's a complete lie, Mass Effect 3, new Naruto Ninja Storm game and something else I can't quite remember will be my highlight, I will throw myself into the lines at numerous game stores and defecate in my pants just to get hold of these juicy video games.

While that's a bit extreme, I'll go into why I want Mass Effect 3 and the Naruto game.

Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3 has had 2 previous instalments, we all know this, all our Shepards have numerous endings and never really stay the same but the juicy thing about number 3 is that it's the end of the story. That's it. Our characters finally get an ending.A fucking ending. Look at this shit. Look at all this swearing, I didn't put stars, I swore, that's how serious I am, goodbye younger viewers who have parental blocks, hello people who like to say "fuck" a lot.

Kinect support only adds to the strategy based aspect of i- bollocks, it gives us enough reason to shout profanities at the TV screen, I'm looking forward to shouting "THANE, START ACTING MORE LIKE YOU DID IN YOUR LOYALTY MISSION AND LESS LIKE A GENERIC CHARACTER". I should probably rename the disc to "SHEPARD FUCKS EVERYTHING" because, from what I've heard, you can be gay. Bout time, finally, every straight man who plays this game will eventually get curious or youtube the events or even more so that there's now nudity involved with the character so we've got gay nude scenes, suddenly, everybody who plays it becomes bi-curious and the gays finally rejoice with the huge market in pudy-tang to no go bag and tag with their flamboyant man-junk the size of a radio tower.

Now, the new Naruto game is purely for the fans. It's delicious and beautiful, it's called "Generations" and every character that's ever been in the series is here. You can have a young Naruto beating the shit out of the Raikage if you know how to play and I'm jizzing with anticipation over it. It's beautiful. Did I say beautiful? Yeah, I did but you can't blame me really, I am a fan of Naruto and this game is like Meth on a stick for me, I need it to come out right now and I mean, right now.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
This was the previous game,
which was also juicy.
Alright, we know that Anime orientated games are for the fans, fans will buy it and there's a lot of fans for these kind of games, I bought Ultimate Tenkaichi at full retail price for £44.99 and I aint ashamed, it's an alright game, I don't even have any regrets but if the new Generations game is full retail price, I'm stealing it. Stealing it because I'm sad and desperate for this game, I will cave, like I said before, it's like meth on a stick, I don't know where the stick comes into it but it's a delicious stick and I will destroy it whilst it destroys me.

Right, that's all I've really got to say, I recovered from the hang-over, brimming with some creativity and now I need to continue with brainstorming for an online business idea.

Ciao Squeers.

Have some related articles: