It had to happen. I mean, come on, from the last 14 blog posts, all I did talk about was how the industry was effected WELL **** YOU, THIS IS ABOUT ME FOR A CHANGE so here is my list of
360 games in which I luuuurrrvvveeee.
10. Way of the Samurai 3
I think I mentioned in the last blog post that I LOVE unheard gaming gems and this could be one of them. You're a samurai and you can do whatever the **** you want. You don't have to follow the storyline and even when you do follow it, there's about 26 endings you can get. Not to mention that you can build your own weapons and name them something like "The Penetrator" and make your character attack with a forward thrust with a blunt edge until they just commit to you and fall to the floor, it's delicious.
There isn't a lot to explore but it doesn't matter in this game as there's so much to discover and find out that it makes up for this shortcoming for pure exploration. For instance, a guy will turn up in the morning that you can recruit and he'll fight beside you on the 4th day but any other time or day, you'll miss him and he'll never turn up again. It's things like these that make you want to find everything out about the game that will keep you coming back for more. I know I'm not tired of it and I've played the hell out of it, mainly due to how attached I am to the penetrator but that's my reason.
9. Mass Effect 2
Yes, this isn't a gem but it's still delicious. The Mass Effect series is known for its re-playability and the fact that your story continues from the previous games and as I have yet to play and cream over Mass Effect 3 which isn't out yet, 2 will have to do. Ha, ryhmed.
The combat system is quite desirable but it works well. It's a third person shooter but it works, it's unique in ever way. It's fun to play but the selling point would have to be the story. I doubt you'l ever have the same playthrough so the re-playability is excellent. I just love this game as I can't seem to trade it in. I can't. I know number 3's coming out so I can't get rid of it. I'll buy
Mass Effect 1 when I get the chance, even though I've had many chances so SHUT UP ALRIGHT.
So yeah, Mass Effect is a game of its own and I would recommend it. From what I hear, the third one should have this slogan. SHEPARD F**** EVERYTHING.
8. Dead Rising 2
I love this game. I love the single player, I love the multiplayer but for some reason, I always leave it for ages and never play it. I don't know why, this game is amazing but I think it's because the game puts me under stress. You have to do things before the timer runs out which is fine but I like going off and doing side quests and I can't when the main storyline has a timer to get there for it.
But this is about why I love it.
Zombies, +1. Customisable weapons. +1. Psycopaths. +1. You earn yourself money by playing online. +10000000000000000000.
F****** GENIUS. I love games who incorporate multipayer with single player ad I do love
single player games and when I earn my way on a single player by unlocking everything, I don't like starting out AGAIN on the multiplayer so I like this. It's the opposite, the money you win on the multiplayer, your single player gets but it still makes me ROCK HARD. I need to play this but duty calls.
7. Dynasty Warriors 7
Ha, just noticed that the 7th choice is the 7th game of the series.. I'm way too amused at the smallest things.
Speaking of being amused by the smallest things, I'm a dedicated Dynasty Warriors fan. I've owned every single game in the franchise. I love Hack n'
Slash games. I really do. Dynasty Warriors 2 was the first PS2 game I touched and I remember bugging my dad to buy me it. I was blown away, launched into a world full of troops I could mow down.
5 sequels later and I have Dynasty Warriors 7. What is has is something the 6th instalment didn't. An improved Dynasty Warriors 5 fighting system. People who have played the games, like me, will understand what I'm saying. It's just better, they made quite the sequel, plus they added an extra faction which the other games didn't have. In this one, you can choose your favourite character and give them whatever
weapon you want. Some are better with others and some aren't. However, a specific weapon is needed to perform a special move called an EX move so it's always best to keep your main weapon in your hands as you can switch between two weapons freely.
Story is always the same yet they added a lot more stuff. I'm forever waiting for the Empires side games as I love commanding everything. I'll probably be the only one camping outside my local Game just so I can get the first copy.
Yes, I'm that dedicated. **** you.
I'll continue this list in the next blog post.
Ciao, Squeers.