Sunday, 13 November 2011

Remember Milo? (SHOULD)

Remember the hype about Kinect? Surely you've read the Kinect post? Of course you haven't, it's a pile of **** but it did bring up something in which made me want to buy the Kinect straight away.

A boy called Milo.

Now this concept is brilliant. It's the birth of Skynet. It's mind boggling to how it works.

Why hasn't it come out yet?

F****** Lionhead.

Worth the pain.
The delicious pain.

Milo looks brilliant. I admit, I did talk to my friends once about how he would react if you took all your clothes off or started fingering a badger but I'm sure if this idea ever comes to fruitionOWJESUS.

Sorry, cooking sausage and eggs and it spat at me like the intentions of a jealous ex-girlfriend but back on point. Yes, I am stupidly close to the cooker, I'm an idiot and I know this, DEAL WITH IT.

Anyway, the idea of fully simulated AI is amazing, you can't deny this. A fully interactive computer program in which you can pretty much do anything with. In the trailer, you passed it a piece of paper and it read what was on it. That's juicy as hell, I don't even know how that works. It was probably a fake trailer played by an actor. But the idea is amazing. BRING IT OUT, LIONHEAD or I'll never buy a Fable game again.

That's a lie, I love Fable. Even 2 and 3. Yeah, hate me. Do it. I BEG YEE.

This brings me to another idea. Which I'll save for another blog post. AI. Tune in tomorrow for it.

Ciao Squeers.


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