Actually, yelling my 18 viewers that I want to screw them usually gives of the wrong message (or the right one in some cases) so instead, I will apologize by writing out an article which will probably hinder the amount of ideas I'll write about in the future. But sod it, these ideas roll off onto this blog when I actually just THINK about an idea which usually just takes me about 2 minutes mac anyway.
Enough speaking, time to get to the article title! DAH FUTURE!!
Right, we know that I covered a few things like this in the "Retro Gaming" post, well I think I did, if not, look for it and give me some more juicy views to add to my collection (LOVE HEART <3) so instead, I'll write about what isn't being developed yet. Sure, the future is ******* bright, and it's NOT orange, but the area of gaming market will only become more creative as technology progresses and advances. As it is now possible to make meat out of your own poo, print out organs and can now do some freaky metal, magnet levitation kinda ****, what else could be next?
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"AAAHHHH AHHHH MOTHER OF GOD" - First player of the simulator. |
Well screw the general stuff, who cares about flying cars, hoverboards, a room that puts you in the shoes of the character you're playing, right? Haha, yeah .. wait, what.
Yeah, you heard it, they made a room where if you walk forward, your character walks forward, if you get shot, you get hurt etc etc
I remember seeing it, I just don't remember where. Was funny hearing him shout out in pain. The game was Battlefield 3, I remember that at least.
But this is an exciting to think about prospect when it comes to the gaming industry. I mean, games where you ARE the in the shoes of the character, where you run forward, he runs, you get shot, you feel his pain, it's mind blowing. Technology is going at an astounding pace right now, we're truly breaking into the digital age. In 20 years, where I'll be the ripe prime age of 40, I bet I'd be able to plug myself in like the Matrix and engage into a world where I can shoot down my ******* neighbour and shout profanities at him like "YOUR WIFE ISN'T HOT ENOUGH" or "I'VE BEEN S******* ON YOUR LAWN FOR THE PAST 5 YEARS" and it'd just be brilliant.
To think up some ideas for the future would be hard seeing as we don't know what is exactly capable of handling such concepts but I'll give out a few that COULD happen yet are also wacky and extreme.
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I think I'd prefer a chip or something, that s*** looks painful to insert. |
Eye Implants - Look at the DSi and 3DS, they have a camera where certain games can incorporate that camera. For instance, the new Kingdom Hearts 3DS, it has an option where you can capture a monster and then view it through the camera, scratching it's belly like you've got something to prove about how F****** WONDERFUL YOU ARE but it's amazing. I saw a trailer where it flew about the room and you had to keep up with it. Say, if it went to the left and went off the screen, you'd have to turn the DS to keep looking and interacting with it.
Still, it's pretty juicy, this is only the starting point of full user integration. Kinect, Move and the Wii are all the starting points of what could make gaming become a central part of our lives. The Fable 3 promotion game where you walked into a shop and you claimed it for your faction was amazing. Put whatever Fable did with motion controls and BOOM. Oh and the eye implants would pretty much make everyone scared of each other.
God, dem eye plants. <3
Ciao, Squires and Squirettes.
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it was gadget show me lovlie :P