Friday, 4 November 2011

Retro Games (WOULD)

You know what I love about nostalgia?

It's not hard to achieve.

Christ, I'm not that old!
I'm an Xbox 360/PC Master race gamer and I think there's two things about being both.

The XBLA (Xbox Live Arcade) keep being updated with classics from the era I grew up in. I was born just after the Atari's into the 8-bit era so I loved the **** out of my NES, SNES and Megadrive. I still have a Megadrive. I've personally bought all the Sonic games because he was my man. He was the one I always wanted to be like, I remember one P.E. lesson at school, I ran down my road with my arms way back because I thought it would "make me go faster" and by god it did. I was knackered though.

But being a PC gamer, I have access to EVERYTHING retro. Emulators are now easy to download and roms, sad to say, are easily distributed across the internet. I only download the ones I've either bought and played or seen others play. Because why not? Retro gaming played a big part of my childhood and I'm not afraid to embrace it. Now to find a way to link my 360 controllers to my laptop and PC and I'll be set. oo, I found one. Thank you, Google!

That's more like it!
What gets my grill is that games are no longer as colourful and as simple as games today. There was something so therapeutic about running across a level to get to the end, something that gave us all a feeling of success. I'm not opposed to games today but what if the first game you ever played was COD? Doesn't sound pretty.

I've always stood by the fact that video games do not make people bad influences but something about growing up with current generation games makes me think if it actually does make a difference to some extent. It depends on what you play, I guess, but I think the fun of the old games has disappeared. Games like Spyro, Crack, Croc and Gex have now become buried in their shiny graves to make way for the big boy games like Halo, COD and Gears of War.

Sure, Ninendo are still wacking out Mario games and Sega still release the usually milked, terrible Sonic game but they still don't have the magic they used to have. Ok, I'm leaning more towards Mario games then Sonic but hey, still not the same in my opinion.

Zelda, you delicious morsel.
Leave a comment on the game you remember playing when you were growing up!

Ciao, Squires and Squirettes. <3

Who actually thought
this would be a good idea?!

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